Rewards Voting

Vine Money introduces an rewards voting system, allowing users with locked veVINE tokens to have a say in how emissions are allocated within the protocol. This system empowers users to directly influence the distribution of rewards, aligning with protocol's commitment to a community-driven approach.

Rewards Voting Overview

  • Eligibility for Voting: Users who lock their VINE tokens, thus acquiring lock weight, are eligible to participate in emissions voting.

  • Voting Process: Users allocate their lock weight towards preferred emission actions or recipients. These allocations determine the distribution of weekly VINE emissions.

Voting Mechanics

  • Lock Weight Allocation: Users can allocate up to 100% of their lock weight to one or more emission actions. Weekly VINE emissions are then distributed proportionally based on the collective user allocations.

  • Flexibility in Voting: Votes can be modified at any point, with the allocations at the start of each week determining that week’s emission distribution.

Vote Registration and Management

  • Registration of Lock Weight: Given the frequent changes in lock weight, users must register their weight within the voting contract to cast their votes effectively.

  • Resubmitting Votes: If a user's lock weight increases after voting, they may resubmit their vote with the updated weight, ensuring their influence reflects their current stake in the protocol.

Areas of Voting

  • Minting vUSD: Voting can direct emissions to reward users who mint new vUSD from any of the available collateral vaults, stimulating the protocol's growth and utility.

  • Maintaining vUSD Debt: Users can vote to reward those maintaining active vUSD debts, encouraging healthy economic activity within the platform.

  • Participating in Liquidity Pools: Votes can also target users who contribute to liquidity pools, relevant to vUSD and VINE, promoting overall liquidity and stability for protocol assets.

  • Depositing to the Stability Pool: Users can vote to allocate emissions to those who contribute to the Stability Pool, incentivizing the overall health and protection mechanisms within the system.

Strategic Voting Examples

  • Minting vUSD: A user planning to mint more vUSD might vote to boost emissions for minting activities, aligning their voting strategy with their intended actions in the protocol.

  • Maintaining vUSD Debt: A user with an active vUSD debt could vote to increase emissions for maintaining vUSD debt, directly benefiting from their own participation in the protocol.

Last updated